Enrolment Procedure
- Download an enrolment form.
- Download the St Bernard’s School Brochure.
- Download a St Bernard’s Parent Handbook
- Download the Uniform Policy.
Catholic schools exist to further the mission of the Catholic Church. In Western Australia, the Mandate of the Bishops requires the Catholic Education Commission of WA to make Catholic school education available to all Catholic children, insofar as possible. The procedures to ensure that this happens are as follows. An enrolment form is collected from the school office, filled in and returned to school along with a copy of the child’s birth certificate, immunisation certificate and Baptismal certificate (if applicable). This information is kept confidential and is accompanied by a Collection Notice as required by the Privacy Act of 2001. An interview is held with the Principal for all applicants. The invitation to interview does not guarantee an offer of placement. Matters of school policy, including the fee payment structure, are discussed at this time. The following criteria, as recommended by the Catholic Education Commission, is used in determining the successful applicants:
- Catholic students from the Parish.
- Catholic students from outside the Parish.
- Siblings of non-Catholic students.
- Non-Catholic students from other Christian denominations.
- Other non – Catholic students.
School Fees
School fees are essential to the operation of St Bernard’s and are set each year by the School Board on advice from the Catholic Education Office. If there is a problem with the payment of fees, parents are asked to contact the Principal for a confidential discussion. There are various payment options available. Those families holding a Healthcare Card or a Pensioner Concession Card can apply for the Health Care Card Tuition Fees Discount Scheme. Enquiries are to be made at the school office.
Enrolment EOI
Please fill in the details below so that we can send you the enrolment pack to be filled and sent back to us.
You will receive an enrolment pack with enrolment forms via email or mail.
Complete the necessary documents and return to St Bernard’s.
Learn more from our Parent Handbook
If you have any difficulty or queries, you can contact us:
Tel: (08) 9831 3500
Email: admin@stbernards.wa.edu.au
Respice Stellam
Look to the Star