May 17, 2024
At the midway point of this term, it is great to stop and take a look at what has been happening at St Bernard’s so far. As always, school is a busy place and I thank everyone – teachers, parents and students – for making this such a great place to spend our day. We also look forward to events still to come including: Outdoor Classroom and Pioneer Dress-Up Day on June 4th, Cross Country on June 7th, Musica Viva Eastwinds music incursion on June 21st, and the interschool Cross Country event, which St Bernard’s is hosting, on June 25th. But for now, I hope you enjoy sharing some of the highlights at St Bernard’s since our last newsletter.
Mar 22, 2024
As Term 1 draws to a close, I hope you enjoy the snapshot of all that has been going on at school over the past few weeks. It has been a short but busy term, and I am sure we are all looking forward to a rest over Easter and the school holidays. I will be joining the Year 5/6 students on camp next week along with Mrs Kondonis, Mrs Worthington and Miss Taplin. We are excited for a full program of activities for the week at Woodman Point Recreation Ground and look forward to returning to school in time for the end of the last day of term.
Mar 1, 2024
Welcome to the first edition of our school newsletter for 2024. This year we are trialling two assemblies and newsletters per term. as always, your feedback is welcome on how this goes. It has been a busy, but productive, start to the year and we are already halfway through our first term!
Dec 8, 2023
This is our final school newsletter for 2023 and I would like to thank you for your support of our school and our staff throughout the year. It has been a wonderful year, filled with learning, fun and experiences from which I am sure many memories have been made. The learning continues at St Bernard’s, and I am happy to let you know about some of the things which have been going on at school in these last few weeks.
Dec 1, 2023
With just four weeks left of school for students, we are on the home straight for 2023. It’s hard to believe we are almost at the end of another school year, but there are still lots of things happening at school.
Nov 3, 2023
It is hard to believe we are approaching the half-way point of the last term of 2023 and lots has been happening at St Bernard’s. We hope you enjoy reading this newsletter and details of some of those events.
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