Dear Parents and Carers,
After attending the MJR National Conference a couple of weeks ago, I’m excited to be writing this week’s newsletter from Albany where staff from St Bernard’s and St Joseph’s College have come together to learn more about MJR (Make Jesus Real) from the program’s founder, Peter ‘Mitch’ Mitchell. We’re learning about some of the key elements of the program, such as GTS (how you Greet, Treat and Speak to others) and being a WEST person: Welcoming, Encouraging, saying Sorry when you need to and Thanks – being grateful for what we have been given. These are great learnings for children and adults alike, and we’re looking forward over the ensuing months to creating a vibrant MJR community at St Bernard’s.
- Caps for Caritas
Our Caps for Caritas day on Wednesday was a great success – thanks to Ms Gianoli, Ms Kerr and the Year 5/6 students for coming up with the idea and running the day. I saw some great caps on the day, but the winner for me was Sasha Te-Aotonga in Year 1 with her amazing pink, sparkly unicorn cap! I wonder if it comes in adult sizes?! Thank you for your generosity in supporting the day with gold coin donations which went into our classroom Project Compassion boxes. Caritas is the mission fundraising arm of the Catholic Church and raises money to support poor communities both in Australia and around the world.
Project Compassion boxes were sent home to each family at the start of Lent and these are due back to school by the end of Week 1, Term 2. Donations of loose coins can also be sent in to school to keep supporting the classroom boxes which will remain on class prayer tables until the end of Week 1, Term 2. Thank you, again, for your generosity and support of those less fortunate than ourselves.
- Literacy Survey
Many thanks to parents who responded to our recent Literacy Survey. Along with responses from teachers and students, these submissions will help inform our Literacy focus question for the remainder of the year. Some interesting links and connections with our existing focus on PLD spelling and Literacy Dedicated Time were revealed in our analysis of the survey data and will help staff to determine our future focus question at our staff meeting next week. My thanks to Mrs Sharon Venables and Ms Sandra Gianoli who accompanied me to Bunbury last Friday for our second Literacy Support Program day. We worked one-on-one with CEWA Literacy Consultant, Kylie Reeves, and we are looking forward to all staff having the opportunity to work with Kylie on-site at St Bernard’s in Term 3.
- Uniform
At our last staff meeting, staff decided to focus on uniforms and how they are being worn at St Bernard’s to promote pride and respect in how we present ourselves as a school community. It was decided to implement a faction reward system, with faction points awarded for students wearing the correct uniform and wearing it with pride – shirts tucked in, collars turned down, socks folded, laces done up. It has been great to see the number of students doing this and I encourage you to support your children by providing them with the correct uniform items to wear. Our uniform policy is available on the school website, within the parent handbook and printed copies are available from the school office. In particular, a reminder that our policy states black leather shoes or boots, or black and navy-blue sandals for boys and black or navy-blue leather shoes or sandals (in summer) for girls. Uniform reminder notes will be issued by classroom teachers before the end of term for items which may need some attention. Please see me if any assistance is required. Even though it has been only two weeks since we implemented the faction reward system, we will have our first reward for the winning faction at the end of this term. The competition is neck and neck at the moment, and we’re excited to see which faction wins!
A reminder that Terms 2 and 3 are winter uniform terms: there will be a period of two week’s grace for students to wear either summer or winter uniform (not a combination) and from Week 3 we will be fully wearing winter uniform.
- Last Week of Term 1
It’s hard to believe the last week of Term 1 is almost upon us! It has been a very busy term for staff, students and families as we have tackled things like our new spelling program, the implementation of Literacy Dedicated Time, the Goods and Services Auction, and the usual Term 1 testing regime. My thanks to everyone for their hard work, dedication and generosity towards our students and our school community. Please join us in Week 10 each afternoon for our Holy Week liturgies from 2.30pm in the Undercover Area, and for our final Assembly and the drawing of the P&F Easter Raffle on Friday afternoon from 2pm (please note the change of time due to students attending the ANZAC Service at KDHS).
Wishing you all a blessed Easter, and safe, happy holidays. I look forward to seeing you all again in Term 2.
God Bless,
Mrs Sharon Marino